Monday, October 24, 2011

Vonnegut on short stories


peaceOFmind said...

This really helped because I'm having trouble developing my character because i know who she is and what she wants but its some of the detail that I'm having trouble with but I'm thinking that this video will help...thank :)

Anonymous said...

So be cruel??

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that this video has good tips. I liked the one that says to be sadist, and the one that says that try to start as closest to the end.

RyRog26 said...

It makes sense. Most stories you read, even the nameless characters want something or reveal their personality.

Katie said...

Some very helpful information from a man who's voice I did not like.

Can we get this guy a glass of water or something!? Haha!

JIH said...

This video did have some good tips for writing a short story.