Thursday, October 20, 2011

Here Comes That Rainbow Again

Cash on Letterman One more. I can't hear it enough:


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

usually i do not understand very good English songs, but i think this is very clear in all its lirics. Nice song, nice way of sing in it, and very deep.

Eva Chavez

Anonymous said...

Wow! It is just like chapter 15! haha well I suppose that if I need to study for a quiz on chapter 15 I can just listen to this song :) haha

Betty Boop said...


peaceOFmind said...

I love narrative song i always feel like the person that sings it had a reason for righting it and singing it and that is it not just some song.

RyRog26 said...

This definitely is Chapter 15. Listening to Johnny Cash sing basically tells you the diner scene.

Katie said...

Johnny Cash sings the best version in my opinion, I love it! I didnt realize it was from the passage in our book until I watched Cash's first version, that was cool!

JIH said...

Johnny Cash did a good job singing it. Wow, this makes a person understand, especially ch 15.