Monday, November 21, 2011

In California Last Week


Martin said...

This makes the officers look terrible. This goes to proof you can't get away with anything now in days; especially with today's technology.

Anonymous said...

So, do we need to handle to be mistreated by people who eat thanks to our taxes? This police officer are just disgusting with his accions.

Anna Diaz said...

I can't believe how cruel officers can be especially for beating those people that was just uncalled for but yet if it was the other way around many of the people would have gotten arrested. shame on the police of California.

SimRM said...

I wonder what ended up happening to the officer in question. After that moment was shown all over the internet, it seems difficult to believe that he just got away with it.

sal said...

some of the officers are just taking orders from there superiors that make the officers the scape goat , but its not to say that its wrong what they are doing sometimes the chain of command needs to be questioned.

Katie said...

This was ridiculous, I can't believe that people can be so cruel.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh... this made me want to barf! :( You guys... I know this makes the officers look cruel BUTTTTT we have to remember that there are two sides to every story... so I don't think the California students were without blame in this. I seriously doubt that the government would be ok with police officers beating people for no reason. I think that if you looked... you would find that some of the protest practices that were being performed in that area were unconstintutional and required law enforcement interefearance to maintain order and to keep the protestors from going out of control. Yes, perhaps the officers could've been nicer in their dealings... HOWEVER... they needed to set the example that it is not okay for people to behave in this manner. There are other, nonviolent and constitutionally appropriate ways for protesters to express their feelings. Police men are just doing their jobs... it's not like they pepper sprayed people for fun.

Anonymous said...

This was hard to watch , how unfair the police officers acted.I think they got out of hand with mistreating people..

JIH said...

This was disturbing. But it isn't always the police officers, sometimes it is their superiors. It is sad to see how people are acting though.