Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day 27

Day 27 English 101 Fall 2009

  1. Who's off the truck now?
  2. Bonus Points-Hand in.
    1. Tuesday Day, 1130-1220 same room
    2. Tuesday Night 7pm.
  3. Quiz over 12-20.
    1. Don't do page 4.
  4. Peer Review Review
  5. Check for Third Person.
  6. I DO want labels for each chapter: Departure, Journey, Arrival.
  7. Characters
    1. Describe the main character physically.
    2. The kind of person who.
    3. Describe the next most important character physically.
    4. The kind of person who.
  8. Dialogue
    1. Some tips
      1. Use it to draw us in and tell the story.
      2. Listen to how people talk
      3. Good dialogue sounds like real speech but isn't.
      4. Avoid dialect
      5. Avoid slang and profanity, but…
    2. Punctuating quotations

Homework, Read Chapter 22.

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