Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 34

Fall 08 English 101 Day 34


  1. Bonus Points Next Week: Kevin Miller 6pm Glenn Anthon Writing Center (10 BP or +2 abs), and Mark Fuzie 7pm Allied Arts (+5BP or +1 Abs)
  2. Complete Peer Review
  3. Peer Review Review
  4. Intro and Conclusions and outline
  5. Grading
  6. ICB
    1. Hickock
      1. Guilty?
      2. Sane?
      3. Death?
    2. Smith
      1. Guilty?
      2. Sane?
      3. Death?
    3. The murders were
      1. an ill-fated crossing of paths,
      2. a psychological accident,
      3. mental illness, or
      4. displaced revenge?
    4. Maycomb v Holcomb as "Small Town Values"
      1. What's the same?
      2. What's changed?
      3. What caused the crimes? What was the injustice?
    5. How does the story change him?
    6. How does he change the story?
    7. Movie v Book
    8. TKAM v ICB
  7. Option 1: Expand one of your in class essays on ICB (Such as pro/con death penalty, New Journalism, something from Kim's essay, looking closely at the four "causes" of the murder)
  8. Option 2: Wait for next week to look at "Small Town Values" and NCFOM?
    1. Rough Draft Due November 20th.

Final Draft Due November 24th.

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