Thursday, July 8, 2010


Rubric Essay One

Ideas and Support

(AR—Supports claims with evidence) points





The student's essay does not have a clear focus and includes little credible or relevant evidence.

The student's essay has a focus and offers some relevant supporting evidence, but also offers additional claims, evidence from questionable sources, and/or evidence of questionable relevance.

The student's essay has an identifiable claim; the student supports his or her claim with appropriate evidence that is generally relevant to that claim.

The student's essay has a unique, arguable claim; that claim is supported using appropriate, sufficient, and relevant evidence from credible and varied sources.

MLA Style

(AR—Applies discipline-specific conventions) points





The student produces an essay that does not use MLA documentation appropriately (i.e. lacks in-text documentation or lacks a reference page; paraphrases border on plagiarism, etc.).

In the essay, the student includes sources information, but does not fully integrate them; the student demonstrates some understanding MLA documentation, but struggles to consistently and correctly apply it.

The student produces an essay in which sources consistently and accurately quoted or paraphrased and are cited (in-text and on Works Cited page) according to MLA format.

The student produces an essay that complies with discipline standards: the essay is formatted correctly; sources are integrated effectively and are properly quoted/paraphrased and cited in-text; Works Cited page is complete, accurate, and correctly formatted.

Standard Written English

(C — Uses contextually appropriate language and conventions; AR – Methods) points





The student's essay includes many major errors—in grammar, syntax, and diction—that distort meaning and interrupt flow of reading.

The student's essay includes a number of distracting minor errors or some major errors that distort meaning, though overall meaning is not lost; at times, sentence structure disrupts flow, and word choices lack variety and precision.

The student's essay contains few distracting errors in syntax, diction, grammar, or mechanics, and the errors do not detract from the meaning;

The student's essay contains few or no noticeable errors in grammar or mechanics and errors do not distract reader; sentences fluency and word choice enhance the readability and "voice."


(C) points





The writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details or events seem strung together in a loose or random fashion; there is no identifiable internal structure. No real intro or conclusion.

Connections betw. ideas are confusing or missing

Problems make it hard for the reader to get a grip on the main point or story line. The paper has a recognizable intro and conclusion. The introduction may not create a strong sense of anticipation; the conclusion may not tie up all loose ends.

The organization structure is strong enough to move the reader through the text without too much confusion. Intro and conclusion grab reader's attention. Transitions often work well.

The organization enhances and showcases the central idea or theme. The order, structure, or presentation of information is compelling and moves the reader through the text. Organization flows so smoothly the reader hardly thinks about it.


Dave M. said...

This is handy to have - I hope I can become 'proficient' in the next few days!!

Unknown said...

I'm having trouble getting my thoughts to transition well on paper.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for posting the rubric so I am able to read what exact expectations you are looking for, sometimes I feel like I go into an assignment in the dark. However with this I at least have a good knowledge of what is expected of my paper.