Friday, November 19, 2010

Is this Racist?

Here's the background statement by Limbaugh:

This guy is an utter wrecking ball all by himself on the world stage to the point now of getting embarrassing. This presidency of Obama's, it doesn't take much to irritate the left. Try this: "Barack Obama's presidency is graffiti on the walls of American history." That's what his administration is. No more than graffiti on the walls of American history. We have a juvenile delinquent for a president who has ruined so much public and private property, not even his gang is making much of an effort here to protect him. It's an utter disaster.


Bushra Syed said...

Yes, I think this is racist because did you really have to put graffiti in their? That's a total stereotype! Totally not right!

Unknown said...

I don't really see this as racist. The only reason it could become racist would be when you interject your own racist thoughts into Rush's statement. The statement was just a comparison of what Rush Limbaugh seems to think of Obama's presidency so far. Graffiti is looked down upon in our society for the most part, so by comparing the presidency to graffiti, he's only saying that most people, even people who are within Obama's political party are not happy with what he's done. He isn't saying that he's doing a bad job because he's of a certain race. We all know that you don't have to be a certain race to write graffiti. That's only what you might think if you are racist. I think you have to be racist to think that this statement is racist.

Josiah said...
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Josiah said...

I agree with Bryan. You could make a lot of things "racist" if you tried hard enough. President Obama has said some pretty racist things himself. I find it interesting that the only people who are criticized and made fun of in this class for "racism" are Conservatives, Republicans and/or Christians.

Unknown said...

Of course it is racist! The stereotype for graffiti is that it is generally done by minorities. The statement he attempting to make is not unethical but the comparison he is using to make it is.

Cody said...

This is obviously not racist. It is just a member of the Republican party trying diss on Obama and his administration. Just knowing its Limbaugh should explain everything.

lena said...

I'm kinda a silly person, so when I look at it, I think its pretty cool because I like Obama and I like graffiti. I don't think anything about racism, I just believe its a cool expression of art.