English 101 Day 44 Fall 09
- Monday: MLA Death Match 2K9, round one.
- Tuesday: Lab time? Check the blog. ESSAY 3 DUE, if you have not turned it in yet.
- Wednesday: One final Peer Review session, Portfolio Review due.
- Thursday: MLA Death Match 2K9, round two, Revenge of the Sith
- Friday: Final, final essays due—MUST INCLUDE MY COMMENTS ON DRAFT 2, and RUBRIC WITH SCORE. Cover letter due.
- Also, special guest visits from Leon Lett of the Dallas Cowboys and Snowboarding Legend, Lindsey Jacobellis
and the Tour de Dumb.
MLA Death Match 2K9
- Four Teams enter, one team leaves
- First Prize: +5 BP or -1 abs
- Second Prize: Steak Knives
- Third Prize: You're fired
- It's on…