Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 44

English 101 Day 44 Fall 09

  1. Monday: MLA Death Match 2K9, round one.
  2. Tuesday: Lab time? Check the blog. ESSAY 3 DUE, if you have not turned it in yet.
  3. Wednesday: One final Peer Review session, Portfolio Review due.
  4. Thursday: MLA Death Match 2K9, round two, Revenge of the Sith
  5. Friday: Final, final essays due—MUST INCLUDE MY COMMENTS ON DRAFT 2, and RUBRIC WITH SCORE. Cover letter due.
  6. Also, special guest visits from Leon Lett of the Dallas Cowboys and Snowboarding Legend, Lindsey Jacobellis
    and the Tour de Dumb.

MLA Death Match 2K9

  1. Four Teams enter, one team leaves
  2. First Prize: +5 BP or -1 abs
  3. Second Prize: Steak Knives
  4. Third Prize: You're fired
  5. It's on…


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Treatment of Immigrants in Arizona

en espanol.

Day 43

English 101 Day 43 Fall 09

  1. So you want to revise your essay.
  2. Sample cover letters.
  3. Monday: MLA Death Match 2K9, round one.
  4. Tuesday: Lab time?
  5. Wednesday: One final Peer Review session, Portfolio Review due.
  6. Thursday: MLA Death Match 2K9, round two, Revenge of the Sith
  7. Friday: Final, final essays due. Cover letter due.

Also, special guest visits from Leon Lett of the Dallas Cowboys and Snowboarding Legend, Lindsey Jacobellis
and the Tour de Dumb.

Business Letter Format

Here's one.
Here's another.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 42

English 101 Day 42

  1. How to grade these essays.
  2. Essays Due.
  3. A Plate of Peas
  4. O/R. Y/N? Intro/Conclusion
    1. Y= +0
    2. N= +0
    1. Essays back Monday/Tuesday
      1. My focus will be on scores and improvement.
      2. If I'm late getting them back, due dates will be adjusted accordingly.

That is, if they come back Tuesday or later, the final revised draft will be due during finals week, not next Friday.

Monday, November 23, 2009

No Class Monday

Essays still due tomorrow. (Tuesday)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 41

Fall 09 English 101 Day 41

  1. Essays Back from Other Class. If they don't come back today, they might Monday.
  2. Here's the offer: Flexible due dates for essay three.
    1. If you turn in your essays on the assigned due date, (November 24th) I will return them to you the Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This is the original plan and allows you to choose from all three essays for one to revise. It's the safest bet.
    2. If you turn in your essay Tuesday after Thanksgiving (December 1st), I will grade it and return it to you with your grade at the end of the quarter. You won't be able to revise it for a final score. This should be an option only for those of you who know for sure you want to revise one of the first two essays and not the third. Or, it could be an option for those of you who have not yet put in the work needed on this essay for whatever reason. It's a riskier play, but one that works for some people.
  3. Making Paragraphs Coherent (Hacker page 31)
    1. Linking ideas clearly
    2. Repeating Key Words
    3. Maintaining consistency
    4. Providing transitions
      1. Sentence Level transitions
      2. Paragraph level transitions
        1. It starts with a good thesis statement
        2. Use those key words in the transitions at end of paragraphs and in the topic sentences. It's like dropping breadcrumbs for the reader.
      1. E-ex C4-2
  4. Outlines
  5. Sample essays—Noe and Betsy
  6. Monday—how to grade this essay and a group peer edit for one paper.
  7. Tuesday—essays due.

Wednesday—the plan for the final week of the quarter.

Outline Grapes of Wrath


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Links from You

Live Wires -- Cold Arrival, Warm Memories -- Immigrant family has seen a lot of change in Valley in the past 43 years Yakima Herald - Republic. Yakima, Wash.:Jan 21, 1999. p. V8

U.S. Mexican Border Harder Than Ever to Cross MARY JORDAN and KEVIN SULLIVAN. Yakima Herald - Republic. Yakima, Wash.:Oct 31, 2002. p. 01A

Need for deploying Guard to the south hasn't been proved
Bill Lee. Yakima Herald - Republic. Yakima, Wash.:Jun 13, 2006. p. A.4

Immigrants arrested by ICE team 'knew this day was coming'
Eloisa Gonzlez. Yakima Herald - Republic. Yakima, Wash.:Nov 29, 2007. p. A.1

Immigrant Paisano
Sarah Jenkins. Yakima Herald - Republic. Yakima, Wash.:Apr 7, 2008. p. A.1

Dust Bowl information from PBS (rabbit lovers be warned)

I thought this was interesting...on housing:

More reasons, kind of:

Links for Essay 3

Here are the links from two years ago.

And here are some starting places from Wikipedia and Google Search:

Illegal Immigration on Wikipedia
In the US

Factory Farms


Farm labor contractors in Yakima

Farmworkers and Unions in Yakima

Minuteman Project


For the GoW part of the essay

From Yesterday:

Okies/Mexicans (or SE Asians or Chinese or…)

  1. Reasons for leaving: 1, 5, 9
  2. Difficulty of the journey: 3, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19
  3. Treatment upon arrival: 17, 19, 21, 25
  4. Housing: 17, 19, 23

For Today

Corporate farming v. small farmer—In the Dust Bowl?

  1. Vertical Integration
  2. Canneries: 21 (238)
  3. Pushing out small farmers: 5 (31-33), 11, 22 (295)
  1. Farm labor contractors
    1. Handbills: 16 KOA Porch *(needs earlier, too Oklahoma? River?)
    2. In Hooverville: 20 (264)
    3. Weedpatch/Just outside Weedpatch (Hooper Ranch Guy): 26, 27 (364)
    4. Cotton Picking: 27
  2. Machines taking Over
    1. Tractors in Oklahoma: 5 (35-36)
    2. Tractors in California: 19 (237)
    3. Cotton Picking 27 (407)
  3. Unions v Owners
    1. Especially Hooper Ranch: 26
    2. "Reds": 26, 19
    3. Agitators/Trouble Makers: 16 KOA

Day 40

Fall 09 English 101 Day 40

  1. Here's the offer: Flexible due dates for essay three.
    1. If you turn in your essays on the assigned due date, (November 24th) I will return them to you the Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This is the original plan and allows you to choose from all three essays for one to revise. It's the safest bet.
    2. If you turn in your essay Tuesday after Thanksgiving (December 1st), I will grade it and return it to you with your grade at the end of the quarter. You won't be able to revise it for a final score. This should be an option only for those of you who know for sure you want to revise one of the first two essays and not the third. Or, it could be an option for those of you who have not yet put in the work needed on this essay for whatever reason. It's a riskier play, but one that works for some people.
  2. Outlines with Topic Sentences—handback. They should make a clear paragraph if you put them together. They could make a chunk of your intro paragraph.
  3. Essays from the other class due by the end of the period.
  4. Peer review reviews due by end of period on Friday.
  5. Friday—transitions, outlines, sample essays.
  6. Monday—how to grade this essay and a group peer edit for one paper.
  7. Tuesday—essays due.
  8. Wednesday—the plan for the final week of the quarter.

Now, work/research/peer review/type/ask questions.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 38

English 101 Fall 09 Day 38

1. Bonus points for Slam or diversity series?
2. Get into groups by paper topic.
3. Review each source with your table and explain your answers to the questions about credibility, audience, purpose etc.

4. Write a thesis statement that sounds something like:
a. We are studying the Grapes of Wrath in the Yakima Valley because_________________.
5. Write your thesis on the board.
6. Quick clicker votes.

7. Return essays to ALMOST everybody. (Hit three 9 pagers in a row this morning.)
8. Grade check will be as soon as they repair my computer. Please say a little prayer to our digital gods for me.
9. Monday, rough drafts of Essay 3. Four copies for peer editing.

10. Tuesday Peer editing.
11. Wednesday advising day.
12. Thursday finish peer editing process. Work on Revisions/research in the lab. I’ll try to have some links by this date, but the librarians will help you anytime you ask. Make time to do this. Do it Wednesday, maybe.
13. Friday I want to talk about organization and transitions.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Source One:
Works Cited Entry: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Then, answer these questions:(see page340)
1. Authorship
Who is it?
Are they knowledgeable and credible? How can you tell?

2. Sponsorship
Who sponsors the site?
What does the URL tell you?

3. Purpose and Audience
Why was the cite created? Argue, sell, or inform? How can you tell?
Who is the sites intended audience?

4. Currency
How current is the site?
How current are the links?

Day 37

English 101 Day 37

  1. If I get sick, due dates stay the same. We don't have time to adjust them.
  2. Poetry Slam 130 Hub Thursday; Diversity Series begins tonight, too. Next week MacBeth.
  3. Some Essays to return
  4. In your groups—compile a list of web resources for your topic.

    1. A second list of database resources.
  5. For three sources: Create a works cited entry (392-393) for the source. Then answer the questions on page 340 of Hacker:

    1. Authorship

      1. Who is it?
      2. Are they knowledgeable and credible? How can you tell?
    2. Sponsorship

      1. Who sponsors the site?
      2. What does the URL tell you?
    3. Purpose and Audience

      1. Why was the cite created? Argue, sell, or inform? How can you tell?
      2. Who is the sites intended audience?
    4. Currency

      1. How current is the site?
      2. How current are the links?
  6. Homework: Complete the "Evaluating Web Sources" questions listed online (and on page 340)

Tomorrow in class we will be making an outline of your paragraphs, including how you will use your evidence.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For Veterans


Day 36

English 101 Day 36

  1. Homework: For your essay topic—find, print out and bring three articles on either Mexican Immigration (departure, journey, arrival), or Farm labor contractors (bad ones, look for lawsuits), or Robots in the orchards, farms, warehouses, or Union fights in Yakima Valley, or Big Agribusiness v. Small farmers.
    1. Use synonyms, related terms.
    2. Uses Google; YVCC's one search; try Bing.
  2. Allied Arts Open Mic 7pm 5000 Lincoln Ave
  3. Poetry Slam 130 Hub Thursday
  4. I haven't said anything about this for two reasons: I didn't want to jinx it. And I don't want to have any appearance of trying to sell you something. So, this is NOT FOR BONUS POINTS: Dan Peters Book Launch November 21st 5pm Oak Hollow Gallery, Chalet Mall.
  5. Quiz 21-30
  6. Correct Quiz
  7. Chapter 30
    1. Groups of 4—Choose a scene to dramatize—must have at least three parts (two speakers and narrator) and be less than a page long. You can skip around in your pages, but try to keep it going. Practice once. You'll be in front of the class, so try to figure out how you'll sit/stand etc.
      1. Chapter 26
      2. Chapter 28
      3. 436-440
      4. 441-445
      5. 446-450


Monday, November 9, 2009

Day 35

English 101 Day 35

  1. Essay Forecast: Cloudy today. Tomorrow 50% chance of light essay showers. Wednesday: Clear and no essays. Heading towards the weekend, look for increasing chance of essays, peaking on Friday with a 95% chance of grades returned.
  2. Chapter 28
    1. Short clip of the film
    2. Importance of the cave as symbolism
  3. Chapter 29
    1. Importance of the rain as symbolism
  4. Chapter 30
    1. Groups of 3-4: Choose a scene to dramatize—must have at least three parts (two speakers and narrator) and be less than a page long. You can skip around in your pages, but try to keep it going. Practice once. You'll be in front of the class, so try to figure out how you'll sit/stand etc.
      1. Chapter 26
      2. Chapter 28
      3. 436-440
      4. 441-445
      5. 446-450
      6. 451-455
  5. Quiz 21-30 Tomorrow

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 34

Day 33 English 101 Fall 2009

  1. Essay 3—Get into Groups according to interest in the topic (not including Okies/Mexicans)

Find chapters that deal with the current issue in GoW—this can include Interchapters and the Joads' story:

From Yesterday:

  1. Okies/Mexicans (or SE Asians or Chinese or…)
    1. Reasons for leaving
    2. Difficulty of the journey
    3. Treatment upon arrival
    4. Housing

For Today

  1. Corporate farming v. small farmer—In the Dust Bowl?
    1. Vertical Integration
    2. Canneries
    3. Pushing out small farmers
  2. Farm labor contractors
    1. Handbills
    2. In Hooverville
    3. Weedpatch/Just outside Weedpatch (Hooper Ranch Guy)
    4. Cotton Picking
  3. Machines taking Over
    1. Tractors in Oklahoma
    2. Tractors in California?
  4. Unions v Owners
    1. Especially Hooper Ranch
    2. "Reds"
    3. Agitators/Trouble Makers
  1. Movie, if there's time.
  2. Finish Grapes of Wrath (this is your chance!)

Final Tuesday

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 33

Day 33 English 101 Fall 2009

  1. Illustrated Grapes of Wrath
  2. Chapters
    1. 17
    2. 19
    3. 21
    4. 23
    5. 25
  3. Essay 3
    1. Options Old and New
    2. Work now on Why Here question 1:
      1. Okies/Mexicans
        1. Using only "Interchapters"
          1. Reasons for leaving
          2. Difficulty of the journey
          3. Treatment upon arrival
          4. Housing
      2. 2005 protests as sign of Grapes of Wrath ready to be picked? Or another example of a failed attempt?
      3. What about election of 2008? Hope/Change?
        1. Too soon to tell?
        2. Who seems most set on wrath?

Read Chapter 29.

Links for Essay 3

These should help

Update: Many have link rot. Sorry. Let do some google work on our own and send me links as you find them.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 32

Day 32 English 101 Fall 2009

  1. Illustrated Grapes of Wrath Continued—This will take today and part of tomorrow. It's meant as a quick review before we work on the final essay.
    1. For each section (2-3 people per group)
      1. Title for chapter
      2. Quote from the chapter.
      3. One Illustration from the chapter.
  2. Chapters
    1. 17
    2. 19
    3. 21
    4. 23
    5. 25
  3. Read Chapter 28.

Lab tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 31

Day 31 English 101 Fall 2009

  1. Illustrated Grapes of Wrath—This will take today and part of tomorrow. It's meant as a quick review before we work on the final essay.
    1. For each section (2-3 people per group)
      1. Title for section
      2. Quote from the section.
      3. Three Panel Illustration from the section
  2. Chapters
    1. 16a (185)
    2. 16b (185 to end),
    3. 18a (214)
    4. 18b (214-end)
    5. 20a (259)
    6. 20b (260 to end)
    7. 22
    8. 24
  3. Homework: Read Chapter 27

Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 30

Day 30 English 101 Fall 2009

  1. Hand in final draft of Essay 2
  2. O/R Y/N
    1. Y=One of the sections.
    2. N= None of the sections
    3. Y= +5 bpts
    4. N= +/- O bpts

Homework, Read Chapter 26 for Tuesday.