Fall 08 English 101 Day 29
- Essays back Monday. With Doughnuts. Yep.
- Quiz: The Corner
- Essay 3 Topic
- The Child as Narrator. (min 550 words)
- The Reminiscent Narrator. (min 550 words)
- Rough Draft Due Wednesday November 5th.
- Final Draft Due Wednesday November 12th.
- We'll work on the ideas this week.
- Today 10 minutes on who/what/where/when/why/how (1130)
- Today 10 minutes on senses/imagery
- The Child as Narrator. (min 550 words)
- Capote
- What happens to Capote as he investigates and reports?
- What happens to the story?
- What happens to Capote as he investigates and reports?
- Homework: Rough Draft of Child/Adult story due Wednesday.
- There will be an in class short answer/essay exam over the book Next Tuesday (4th).
I'll give you a study guide/test preview Monday.