Friday, December 7, 2007

Last Day

English 101 Day 49

  1. H/I Cover Letter
  2. H/I Final, Final Draft
  3. Return of Essays, etc

    1. First week of Winter Quarter in the English Department. Ask Kelley.
    2. Grades mostly.
    3. For more feedback from me, bring your essay in and we'll go over it.

  4. Grades due Next Friday, posted online under schedule that day
  5. Feedback for me, Rage and Springsteen for you.

  6. My schedule: Winter 102 x3 and Creative Writing in the evening; Spring English 070 x2 and Writers and Ideas in the evening; Summer, maybe creative writing?

    1. Also, you can ask about anything anytime.
    2. You can say hi to me on campus. Say your name and I'll say mine.
    3. You can say hi to each other.

  7. From my English 102 class: Andy Blevins' story.

One in there Americans in their mid-twenties attended but did not finish college.

Only 41 percent of low-income students entering a four year college managed to graduate within five years. (66% of high income did).

75 percent of students enrolling in community colleges said they hoped to transfer to a four year institution. But only 17 percent of those made the switch within five year. The rest were out working or still studying toward the two year degree.

  1. Your story has to be different.

  2. The Grapes of Wrath final scene

  3. Now, you can do this.

Andy Blevins

Something to think about.

Final Scene from Grapes of Wrath

Bruce Springsteen's version (Original)

Here's the original song

Rage Against the Machine

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Day 48

English 101 Day 48

  1. Friday: Final, Final Draft of One Essay Due. You MUST INCLUDE with it the draft with my comments (Draft 2) and the rubric with your score for this essay to be considered.
  2. One LAST BP chance. Due Tuesday to English Department. I'll have a box ready. BP only given if all of the steps are followed.
  3. Sample Cover Letter
  4. MLA DeathMatch 2007.
    1. Four Teams enter, one team leaves
    2. First Prize: 10 BP
    3. Second Prize: Steak Knives
    4. Third Prize: You're fired
    5. It's on…


Friday: Final, Final Essays Due; A Cover Letter About Your Writing Due; Evaluation of my teaching done in class.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 46

English 101 Day 46

  1. Friday: Final, Final Draft of One Essay Due. You MUST INCLUDE with it the draft with my comments (Draft 2) and the rubric with your score for this essay to be considered.
  2. H/I Portfolio Revision Worksheet
  3. Revision: Handout Homework
    1. My notes
  4. MLA DeathMatch 2007.
    1. Four Teams enter, one team leaves
    2. First Prize: 10 BP
    3. Second Prize: Steak Knives
    4. Third Prize: You're fired
    5. It's on…
  5. The Final Week—Special Guest Leon Lett will be here Wednesday
    1. Tuesday: MLA DeathMatch 2007, Round One, Portfolio Revision Worksheet Due
    2. Wednesday: Peer Editing, Bring two copies of Final, Final Rough Draft
    3. Thursday: MLA DeathMatch 2007, Round Two

Friday: Final, Final Essays Due; A Cover Letter About Your Writing Due; Evaluation of my teaching done in class.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Day 45

English 101 Day 45

  1. You are VERY CLOSE.
  2. Friday: Final, Final Draft of One Essay Due. You MUST INCLUDE with it the draft with my comments (Draft 2) and the rubric with your score for this essay to be considered.
  3. Essays back.
    1. 24 hour rule. You can talk to me right now, too.
    2. It's not where you start, it's where you finish.
    3. Progress, not perfection.
    4. For most, a lower score.
      1. Could be Thanksgiving?
      2. Most scores were lowered by lack of (good) EVIDence
      3. Lots of work on MLA needed. This week we'll try to help.
    5. Grades out tomorrow. Some decisions to make.
  4. Revision: Handout, read for homework
  5. MLA Hacker: Read MLA Section 3 and MLA Section 4 (intros)
  6. The Final Week—Special Guest Leon Lett
    1. Monday: Bring Essay to Work on in the Lab.
    2. Tuesday: MLA DeathMatch 2007, Round One, Portfolio Revision Worksheet Due
    3. Wednesday: Peer Editing, Bring two copies of Final, Final Rough Draft
    4. Thursday: MLA DeathMatch 2007, Round Two

Friday: Final, Final Essays Due; A Cover Letter About Your Writing Due, business letter example here, formatting here; Evaluation of my teaching done in class.